Evelyn Lee, FAIA | NOMA

Candidate for 2024 First VP | 2025 President

Arty Molinari, AIA

You can probably tell whom I’m voting for now, and with great respect for the other candidate because I am a fan of both – however, Evelyn Lee has connected with me on a level that inspires and relates to me the most. Her message is one I can advocate easily myself. I don’t think (I know I don’t) I fit into the traditional mold that the architecture profession has created, and that’s okay. I’m more than okay with that. I have had professors, peers and bosses tell me when I was an emerging professional that they could “mold” me while I’m young, inexperienced, and basically naive. Thank goodness I maintained my rebel-natured self, looked up to those people, embraced their feedback, and accepted/tolerated their unique perspectives and outlook on life because it made my decision-making skills better.

So Cheers to all of those folks and to improving the profession of Architecture!