Evelyn Lee, FAIA | NOMA

Candidate for 2024 First VP | 2025 President

Katarina Carlin, AIA

Evelyn and I have been work friends, roommates, and soccer teammates while living in Southern California. We were both taking our licensing exams during that time and studying together. She was always engaged in the profession outside of our day job. I remember her writing articles for Inhabitat on the living room couch after work, and she was always traveling on the weekends for AIA.

She is always exploring ways to engage the built world and the architecture profession in alternate ways. I have admired this ability, and her creativity; her thought leadership around examining the culture of architecture, and the methodologies of the work is invaluable. Evelyn has always been professional and positive.

She is an includer at her core, and I have felt this firsthand. She’s authentic and kind. She has dedicated so much of her passion to the AIA over the almost 20 years we have known each other, and I know she will bring the same passion to her presidency. I don’t know how she does all she does while being a mom to her two beautiful children, but I am so grateful for her friendship and perspective on this profession we both love—cheering you on, Evelyn.